Drawing lines

As a bittersweet moment I wish to inform my readers that this is my last post on this blog. I started this weblog several months ago as my first clumsy experiment in the blogsphere, unpretentious and without any other aim and hope than writing and expressing my love for the ancient world. Nevertheless, being an absolute beginner and not at all a cyber-person, I am now personally pretty satisfied of its outcome as I have effortlessly had quite a reasonable traffic, many more comments than I would have ever aspired to and even gained a few aficionado readers.

I had been harvesting during my readings several notes, reflections, thoughts and considerations that I wished to share, together with my passion for the classics, with other fellow-readers. Thus today I feel I have altogether accomplished my goal and said what I had to say. It is time now I get back to travelling and gathering new experiences and sources of inspiration. The comments will be closed, but the entire blog archive will stay online for the enjoyment of those who truly love classic culture and our romantic past.

I wish to thank my readers: the frequent and loyal ones and those who commented, as well as those who simply passed by and took the chance of reading even only a few of my articles. I also wish to thank Prof. Mary Beard who gave me directly and indirectly numerous and generous hints and ideas. A special tribute of gratitude also goes to Prof. Ana Rodriguez de La Robla, who – regardless our plain and insurmountable difference in academic stature – has kindly encouraged me and patiently supported me in my absolutely new adventure through the cyberspace and the classics. She, her unequalled works and vast brilliant writings have been a precious, unmatched and unparalleled model that I have humbly tried to emulate (alas! Unwieldily) and her erudite, witty and punctual comments have always been an unflagging source of inspiration and further reflection.




A man resolves to pursue his duty in drawing the world. As years go by he fills in a space with images of provinces, of kingdoms, of mountains, of bays, of ships, of islands, of fishes, of dwellings, of instruments, of stars, of horses and persons. Shortly before dying, he discovers that his patient maze of lines and curves simply draws the image of his own face.

[Jorge Luis Borges]